Forestry Mulching FAQs

Professional & Reliable Land Clearing Services


What is forestry mulching?

Forestry mulching is the best way to clear areas thick with vegetation, brush, and small trees, so Bigfoot has to come out of hiding. This modern land-clearing method is eco-friendly and efficient, making quick work of an ample space. Other methods re quire heavy forestry mulching equipment like bulldozers and excavators. These machines require permits and can cause damage like soil compaction, leading to erosion. Bulldozers and excavators can also damage the topsoil, injuring the root systems of plants you want to keep.

On the other hand, our forestry mulching machines quickly mulch vegetation, making your space useable and clear without any need for burning or hauling away debris. When completed, your land will be clear, and Bigfoot will have nowhere to hide.

What are the advantages of forestry mulching?

Modern forestry mulching is quickly becoming the industry standard for land clearing—and for good reason. It’s efficient, cost-effective, and better for the environment. Our method of mulching vegetation and debris leaves the roots intact and the mulch in place. This creates an erosion barrier, allowing nutrients to return to the soil as the mulch decomposes. Traditional methods, on the other hand, can lead to erosion problems and compacted soil.

Forestry mulching is a fast and efficient process that requires no site prep, cutting, felling, or hauling away debris, saving you money and clearing your land quickly. Simply put, we create more usable space at a fair price so that you can use your land more efficiently.

a large machine mulching an area (1)

Who benefits from forestry mulching?

Forestry mulching is highly beneficial to consumers, the environment, and animals who make the land their homes. The traditional method for clearing land requires lots of planning, prep, and heavy equipment. Instead, we offer a quick and easy way to mulch vegetation at a much lower price. This allows you to clear your land completely without costing you an arm and a leg. When comparing forestry mulching cost per acre vs. traditional methods for clearing land, it’s clear why many opt for Bigfoot Forestry’s services.

Is forestry mulching good for the environment?

Wooded areas and places with lots of vegetation are home to tiny critters and bugs. Traditional land-clearing methods can leave them without a place to live—or worse, eliminate them in the process. Forestry mulching simply mulches brush and trees, leaving the organic matter in place so tiny animals can continue to live and thrive. Bigfoot, on the other hand, will have to find somewhere else to live!

It’s also a great way to preserve the health of your land. Mulched debris will slowly decompose, allowing rich nutrients to soak into your soil, making it healthy and resistant to erosion.

What makes forestry mulching better than traditional land-clearing methods?

Traditional methods use bulldozers and excavators to clear land by removing brush and trees—roots and all. This effectively clears your property but disturbs the soil, making things unstable and vulnerable to erosion down the road. If you plan on building on your property, you want soil that can support a foundation. Forestry mulching effectively removes trees and other debris while leaving the roots in place. This keeps the soil happy and reduces the risk of erosion. The mulch also nourishes the soil while acting as a moisture barrier.

Customers who ask questions like, “How much does forestry mulching cost?” are surprised that it’s much cheaper than traditional methods. Heavy equipment is expensive, and you must purchase the proper permits before the process begins. Our crews opt for a quicker, more efficient method of forestry mulching that saves you time and money.

an area of land with large trees in the background

Why Choose Bigfoot Forestry for Forestry & Land Clearing Services?

Bigfoot Forestry has been providing Land Clearing and Brush Removal services for 7 years. Our clients call us for unique land prep projects and recurring land maintenance, and we always leave them smiling.

We have fun & we get it done!


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